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Defence Youth Safety Framework

The Defence Youth Safety Framework (DYSF) articulates the principles that guide the Department of Defence to be a youth safe organisation. The DYSF consists of a suite of policies published in YOUTHPOLMAN Part 1, additional supporting policies in YOUTHPOLMAN Part 2, and Part 3, a strong governance framework, a set of youth protection training programs, and a collection of resources for use in implementing youth safety and protection across Defence.

Defence does not tolerate abuse or neglect of children. Defence is committed to taking all
reasonably practicable steps to ensure the safety and wellbeing of youth with whom it comes into
contact through supporting a youth safety culture and the promotion of individual and collective
responsibility for youth safety. Defence's commitment is demonstrated in its capstone youth policy
manual known as YOUTHPOLMAN. To view 2023 Department of Defence Annual Child Safety Statement of Compliance with the Commonwealth Child Safety Framework please click here.