History and Background
Why we exist and how we started
The first Youth Policy Manual (YOUTHPOLMAN) was published in 2013. YOUTHPOLMAN is Defence’s primary source for youth and youth protection policy and guidance for Defence. Defence is considered to be a leader in youth protection policy because of its agility and continuous improvement initiatives, the embedment of youth safe culture and the promotion of youth protection policies and practices.
Defence contributes to the development of whole-of-government policy as a member of multiple interdepartmental committees. Defence is an exemplar in the delivery of highly regarded youth programs including its work experience program.
Who we are?
Policy role in Youth Protection
The Directorate of Youth within the Joint Support Services Division is responsible for the development of Defence youth related policies, training and education and assists in the implementation and delivery of youth programs including the Defence Work Experience Program.
Governance Structure
The Joint Gender Peace and Security, Reserve, Youth and Cadet Policy Committee is the senior forum responsible for administration of Australian Defence Force (ADF) Reserves policy and support for ADF Reservists. It also constitutes the ADF’s senior governance body for the application of the Defence Youth Safety Framework and administration of common elements of the ADF Cadets program. The Governance Principles for this forum are outlined in YOUTHPOLMAN Part 1 Section 4, Annex B.